In the Pre-Op Area
You will be given a medical evaluation, and directed to your bed in a curtained cubicle. Here you will change into a gown and your belongings will be placed on a shelf under your bed and will stay with you throughout.
In the Procedure Room
You are the most important person in the procedure room. Your comfort and safety are our top priorities. If you have questions or concerns, please ask your nurse. When you arrive in the procedure room, the lights may seem bright and the temperature cool. Warm blankets are available.
After Your Procedure
Recovery time is highly individualized, generally it takes less than one hour. Your nurse will let you know when you are medically ready to leave the Center and will review your home-going instructions and medications with you. We will give you a copy of all the information reviewed.
Going Home
You must make arrangements to have an adult family member or friend drive you home. We must cancel your procedure if you are unable to make these arrangements. It is important that you have someone stay with you for the first night after your procedure, just in case you need any assistance. Should you have any questions about your discharge instructions or recovery, please call your doctor. Should you experience, severe pain, bleeding, fever or nausea after surgery, consult your doctor or an Emergency Room doctor immediately.